COVID-19 Update: We are using UVC Light that kills up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses and true HEPA filter and Winix plasma wave technology.

What Dental Veneers Can Do for You

Dental VeneersIn dentistry as in life, beauty is in the eye of the beholder—what one person considers an imperfect or damaged smile could look close to perfection to someone else. While there is no finite or set in stone definition of what constitutes a perfect or beautiful smile, there are a few characteristics that are generally considered hallmarks of healthy and attractive teeth: white, fairly even, and symmetrical. The good news is that winning the genetic lottery and being born with perfect teeth are not necessary to achieve these benchmarks, for dental veneers can change the size, color, and shape of the surface of damaged teeth to fix cosmetic imperfections. The dentists at Today's Dental, Dr. Tiberiu Oancea and Dr. Jeromy Thornton, offer a range of cosmetic and general dentistry services in Houston, TX—read below to learn more!

What are Veneers

Dental veneers are made from a thin, translucent layer of porcelain that closely matches the texture and color of tooth enamel for a natural, organic finish. The porcelain is bonded to the surface of the tooth and then molded to achieve the desired size, shape, and finish.

When are Veneers a Good Option?

Veneers are a good option to repair surface imperfections and minor chips and cracks to the front teeth, as they are commonly used to:

  • Whiten stained or discolored teeth
  • Repair mild to moderate chips and cracks (larger or more severe breaks or deep cavities typically require a crown)
  • Close minor gaps and spaces (spacing problems caused by bite and alignment issues may require orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign)
  • Reshape damaged or unattractive teeth

Furthermore, with good oral hygiene and preventive dental care, veneers can last anywhere from five to ten years, often longer.

Find a Dentist in Houston, TX

For more information about dental veneers and other cosmetic dentistry options, contact our Houston office by calling (281) 580-0770 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Oancea and Dr. Thornton today!

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